Let’s talk about something that often gets overlooked in our wild and unpredictable world of digital assets—responsibility, especially when you’re sitting on a mountain of crypto like our whale friends.

First things first, here’s the tweet – or update – about this issue:

First off, let me say this: your crypto is yours, and you have every right to move, trade, or HODL as you please. But with great power comes great responsibility, right? So, if you’re planning to make a big move—whether buying or selling a hefty chunk of memecoins or any other token—take a moment to think about the ripples you might cause.

For those who might not know (or maybe just need a friendly reminder), platforms like Jupiter offer a DCA (Dollar-Cost Averaging) feature. This nifty tool allows you to spread out your buy or sell orders over time instead of doing it all at once.

Why does this matter?

Well, it helps to avoid those massive spikes or drops—those green and red candles that can make smaller holders’ hearts race and palms sweat. It’s a way to keep the playing field a bit more stable and to prevent triggering a wave of panic or FOMO among the smaller fishes.

Sure, every trader is responsible for their own bags—no doubt about that. But let’s be real: in a space where paper hands are becoming more common and “jeeting” (panic selling, if you aren’t familiar with it) is practically a meme in itself, a little extra care can go a long way.

So, a big shoutout to all the whales out there—when you’re making your next big move, especially with those fresh, small-cap memecoins, maybe just consider using DCA or similar strategies. It’s not just about protecting your own assets; it’s about supporting the ecosystem we all love.

And as a smaller trader, I’m just here to say: thank you for being mindful. 🙏

Let’s keep this space as fair and fun as we can, for everyone.

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